A free one-day conference for Geeks and Friends

Once a year, the Barcelona Perl Mongers organize the Perl & Friends Conference. Its main purpose is to gather people with common interests in a day packed of talks, not necessarily Perl related. In fact, we encourage people not familiar with Perl to come and explain us new things. In this conference, "Friends" is the relevant word.

You may expect a lot of different topics. It may seem that we lack focus sometimes, but that's the way we like it. In a single day we get to learn so many diferent things and perspectives that the only regret is not being able to attend to everything.

Some of our speakers are real experts in their field and have given tons of talks already. But the event is also an excellent place for new speakers, who will find a supportive and warm audience. One of the points is to get more people giving talks so we can all benefit from it. We try to find a place for everybody who has something to say.

Each speaker will decide the language of their talk because we want everybody to feel confortable on stage. Usually the talks are in English, Catalan or Spanish. You can ask (nicely) for another language if you're interested in the topic, but the speaker will always have the final word.

Whenever possible, we will have at least two tracks in parallel. This way nobody needs to stay in a talk just waiting for the next and it's easier for everybody to find interesting topics all the time.

We're the Perl Community. We want to share with you our ideas and innovations, and want to see yours, no matter what technology you use, what gender you are or where are you from. You are welcome.

  • We
  • Love
  • Code


The conference took place at CAPSiDE offices.

Where to eat?

Hey! Please note that lunch will not be provided and you'll have to go find something outside. Don't worry, we have prepared a map with recommended places to eat, around the venue: Have a look


The schedule for the Barcelona Perl & Friends 2019 started at 9:30 and included 17 talks (and several lightning talks). We finished at 19:15 after almost 10 hours of a great conference.

/lib /bin
Jose Luis Martínez Torres
Pau Cervera i Badia
Morning Break
Javi Moreno
Diego Kuperman
Marc Egea i Sala
Fernando Verdugo
Alex Fernandez
Joaquim De la Cruz
Xavier Noria
Julien Fiegehenn
Ferenc Erki
Francesc Gil
Afternoon Break
José Joaquín Atria
Jose Luis Perez Diez
Jordi Massaguer Pla
Jordi Delgado Pin
Lightning talks


This is the list of talks for this edition. We're very proud of the list of speakers and talks and we hope you'll enjoy them!

  • CICD para Perl con Azure Devops

    Javi Moreno

    En poco más de media horita cogeremos una aplicación, construiremos su imagen docker, la subiremos a un repositorio y la desplegaremos (si pasa los tests) en staging. Tras una aprobación manual haremos lo propio en el entorno de producción. Y todo en Azure App Service con Azure DevOps. Si ésto no te da morbo, yo ya no sé.

  • Git: Don't lose your HEAD

    Pau Cervera i Badia

    Git can be daunting, but we believe it's actually quite simple. The aim of this talk is to explore the simple data structures that git has had since its inception (actually since its first git commit!) and how they set the ground for the rich behaviour we are used to. But don't think this is an academic talk, it is not. It is more like a visual guide and command line experiment that we will perform together. All spiced with a little bit of genetics, but we promise you that not a single sheep will be damaged during the talk.

  • Tasty mojo bits

    Diego Kuperman

    Last year I talked about using the mojolicious distribution for everything but the web. This year I'll show some small examples where I was able to solve problems with mojolicious web apps done in a range of a few hours to a few days.

  • This whole “JavaScript in the server” thing

    Marc Egea i Sala

    It's been around for a while, but recently I had difficulties answering the question of “What is Node.js?”. In this talk, I'll try to explain what is Node and why is not only relevant, but quite fun. Asynchronous programming is key to understand the JavaScript hegemony, so we'll spend some time explaining the event loop. Other relevant topics will be V8, npm, async/await or transpilation.

  • Zeitwerk: A new code loader for Ruby

    Xavier Noria

    Zeitwerk is a new code loader for Ruby, providing autoloading, eager loading, and reloading. Zeitwerk has replaced the classic autoloader in Rails 6.

  • Working Remotely?

    Jordi Massaguer Pla

    Working from a paradise island, or while travelling around the globe... Not really! I've been working remotely for SUSE since 2011 and I would like to share my experience and see what is for real working remotely.

  • TerraCognita, from the Cloud to the ground.

    Francesc Gil

    At Cycloid, Infrastructure As Code is in the company DNA since the beginning. To help our new customers adopting this best practice, we decided to build Terracognita to convert an existing infrastructure on AWS into Terraform code in an automated way, relying on Terraform providers built by the community. We focused on AWS for a first release, but Azure, GCP, Alibaba, Vmware and Openstack will be the next to be integrated. In order to do so, TerraCognita reads what you already have running on your existing infrastructure, and write the corresponding HCL and/or tfstate relying on the import mechanism of Terraform.

  • Raspberries' cluster

    Jose Luis Perez Diez

    Desde que conocí el proyecto Beowulf siempre he querido montar un clúster, pero cuando tenía acceso a máquinas para montarlo me faltaba tiempo. Presentaré el clúster que estoy montando con tres 4B y una 3B, los problemas a los que me he enfrentado y las soluciones que he adoptado. También habrá tiempo para Q&A y conectarse al clúster via wifi.

  • Financial automation through an API

    Joaquim De la Cruz

    At Flanks, we allow to automate any interaction that a user has with a bank. My talk is based on how to connect your bank accounts to any application using a PSD2 API. At this talk, we will see how to view your bank accounts with a telegram bot, automate emails to your banker or have Alexa notifications when they have charged you a bill. We want everyone to know how to put banks to work for them using an API.

  • Turning Humans into Developers with Perl

    Julien Fiegehenn

    In this talk I will explain my methodology for teaching apprentice software developers. I mainly use Perl, and often work with young trainees who start their professional careers with very little to no prior tech knowledge. I'll talk about the social aspects of being a mentor and show process examples that help with long-term motivation.

  • Rex & Friends

    Ferenc Erki

    Rex is a friendly automation framework. As a maintainer I'm exposed to many interesting, or even unexpected use cases. I'd like to share some of my favorite ones with friends.

  • Dockers, KVM, VDI con Ravada

    Fernando Verdugo

    Ravada es un proyecto opensource que orquesta escritorios virtuales. Vamos a desplegarlo con dockers de una forma rápida y sencilla. El stack no puede ser más virtual, docker, KVM, VDI, ¿quién da más?

  • So you've been a bad developer

    José Joaquín Atria

    So you've been a bad developer, and uploaded some questionable modules to CPAN. The good news is: we've all been there! Ask around, and chances are most CPAN authors will have released modules they are not happy with, or are plain bad ideas. There's no shame in this! But what now? In this age of environmental awareness, how do we do our part to clean up the river of CPAN? I'll talk about some things you can do to reduce your Bad-Code Footprint™ and help others along the way.

  • How I helped my son's teacher, or Backtracking with continuations (for dummies ;))

    Jordi Delgado Pin

    My first telegram bot was an automatic solver of a simple mathematical problem that my son had to solve every day when he was at the last course of primary school. But I wanted to generate all possible solutions, thus I had to use backtracking. However, "regular" backtracking is easy and boring, so I decided to use a well known solution involving continuations, much more difficult and funny. All in Javascript.

  • Flying high with your Kubernetes applications

    Jose Luis Martínez Torres

    A guide of good practices of to how to build cloud applications

  • Choose your own adventure: Rise and fall of a startup

    Alex Fernandez

    On demand talk about our startup's journey. From how we MVPed an idea and got investment to firing our colleagues. You choose the topic!